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Mining Rights and Plans

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Mining Rights


The Loxton Dal Diamond Mine comprises a new order mining right FS 30/5/1/2/2/146 MR with a total area of 88.33 hectares, ceded to SSC Diamond's mining subsidiary SSC Joyspring on the 11th March 2011 by the Department of Mineral Resources of South Africa. The surface rights for the mining area are also owned by SSC Joypspring under deed T2846/1994 which was transferred to SSC Joyspring as part of the purchase of the assets in 2008 from the Good Hope Diamonds and Estates (Pty) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of KMG Diamond Resources PLC. SSC Joyspring is in turn 74%-owned by BVI registered Carta Holdings Limited.


The Loxton Dal Mine has full operational mining licence granted until 2032. 




Mine Plans


The Loxton Dal Mine was originally mined from surface by open pit methods and later became an underground mine. Historically, an underground mining system known as chambering was used, which is a combination of shrinkage stoping and caving, in which one level chamber was developed beneath the pillar of the level above, therefore ensuring that the pillar would cave and be drawn out on the successive level.


The Loxton Dal Mine was previously comprised of a three shaft system which included: a 65° winze (Main Shaft) equipped with a 3.5t skip and single winder which hoisted ore from the 182m Level; a sub-vertical shaft that was sunk to the 210m level and is equipped with a single drum winch; and the Dulcie shaft that conveys men and material and a skip to the 134m level.


The proposed process flow for the full-scale ~12,000tpm – ~27,000tpm process plant at Loxton Dal includes a high throughput primary jaw crusher, scrubber, screens, secondary crusher for oversize material, with a first stage, second stage pan and possibly sand pan sequence. Final liberation will be conducted by sequential flow sort, glove boxes and grease tables. This proposed setup is aimed at provisionally concentrating both larger diamonds and smaller diamonds as well as including a tertiary crusher step to liberate diamonds from material which did not immediately report to the concentrate stream.


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